Academia Nuts by Huw Williams
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"This has been my last semester at Purdue, so Academia Nuts has come to an early end. Thanks to everyone (especially at the Exponent) who supported it."
"I gave a lot of thought to how I should end the strip -- what funny, touching, thoughtful dénouement would best encapsulate the essence of my efforts. I came up with squat."
"So then I thought, 'I wonder what the world record is for copyright violations in a comic strip...' Huw Williams, 2 May 1997"
Jack: "Fill 'er up. *hic*"
Kathy: "How can you possibly be getting drunk on fruit juice!?"
Calvin: "Hobbes wants some punch!"
Peter : "You remind me of someone..."
Dilbert: "Mel Gibson. I get that all the time."
Fergus : "Dolt."
Party-goer: "Mary Worth just threw up on the sofa!"
[Jack from "Loft Boys" by Joel Lugar,
Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes" by Bill Watterson,
Peter Fox from "Foxtrot" by Bill Amend,
Odie from "Garfield" by Jim Davis,
Dilbert from "Dilbert" by Scott Adams,
Fergus from "Citizen Dog" by Mark O'Hare.]
Academia Nuts is copyright © 1997 Huw Williams, all rights reserved.